How to Move On? 4 Steps on How to Let go
How to actually move on?
Do u ever feel stuck on a feeling or on someone, like you’re trapped in a never-ending loop and not knowing how to break it?

Why is it Important for You to Move on?
Life is constantly moving, days are passing by, time won’t wait for anyone, the more time you spend dwelling over something of someone the more energy it will take from you and the more time you will lose from your life, without even noticing. The only wise thing to do is to move on and let go.
What Steps to take to move on?
Healing takes time, be kind to yourself, it’s okay be feel sad, but it’s not healthy to stay stuck on something or someone especially when you already tried everything to make it work. Sometimes we just have to accept it and move on. What you can do is:
1. Acknowledge the pain
Get in touch with it, feel it, name it.
Label your emotion, what is it? Sad, anger, disappointment or fear. Get to the root of it and embrace it.
If it’s sadness, feel the sadness deep in your heart, if it’s anger, feel angry don’t try to suppress it. Avoiding your emotions will only make them build up inside until they resurface again in ways that hurt us even more.
2. Express it
Instead of running, allow yourself to feel. Healing begins when you allow yourself to truly feel.
Express your feelings. You can cry your heart out, let it out, crying washes out the soul.
You can write about it. Write down everything you feel at that moment, every little thought. You can even write a letter to that someone or something that’s hurting you.
You can talk to a friend you trust. It’s okay to vent or ask for advice, sometimes we need another perspective to judge the situation.
Let it out. Don’t keep it trapped inside!
3. Process it:
Reflect on the cause, understand it and let it teach you.
Ask yourself, what good will it do me if I keep holding on to it? What are the benefits of actually letting it go and setting it free?
Some people walk into our lives simply to teach us a lesson and we often face problems in order to learn from them and grow.
4. Release:
Let go and move on. The cure is detachment. Understand and accept that all things are temporary and that we can’t truly own or control anything or anyone.
Focus on yourself and know your worth. Don’t lower your standards for any reason. If it’s meant to be in your life it’s amazing, if not, move on.
Embrace your emotions. They don’t control you; they help you grow. Healing isn’t about avoiding pain, it’s about getting in touch with it and feeling it. Give yourself time to process your emotions and express them the way you feel like, you will lowly find yourself detaching from it and understand later why that happened. Learn from it and move on!